Jahmby Koikai is the perfect example to use when you need encouragement. That bad situation you are going through, will soon be over.

She went through the most horrific years of her life after she was diagnosed with Endometriosis. Now she is an endowarrior.

The trauma still has Jahmby shook, and last night she cried at the thought of what life has been for her and her health in the past years.

"Last night, I was taken back to my experience and I shed tears. Even in my tears, I know that God set me up for a GREAT purpose and mission. My mum stares at me in disbelief and with great pride in God. I look at myself in the mirror and can't help but thank God sometimes in tears." Jahmby shared

She added saying that,

The diaphragm, rib cage and lungs are very vital organs of the body. The muscles and nerves in this area of the body aid in breathing, walking, talking, eating, making bowel movements, laughing, crying etc. Imagine yourself, passing a bowel movement, you feel the tension of the muscles tightening and loosening as you make the movement. Now imagine breathing in and feeling like someone just stabbed you. The thought of engaging your diaphragm or ribcage is even more excruciating so you pray that God may just give you loose bowels on a diaper. Imagine trying to chew and swallow food but once the food goes down, a burning sensation hits you from the oesaphagus as your ribcage lights up in brazen pain. You now have to go on a liquid diet, IV's and all.

Jahmby recalled the days she used machines to help her breathe and the discomfort, more so because it all happened when she was on her periods.

"You're unable to breathe on your own. Oxygen tanks and nebulizers are your companions.

Now couple this with menstruation. At that time of the month, that tissue growing in your lungs bleeds inside your lungs causing the collapses, holes in the diaphragm known as blebs, sometimes puncturing the diaphragm. Shortness of breath, chest pain, shoulder pain, apocalyptic menstrual cramps, full-body pain. Pain all over and no amount of pain killers can stop this pain. The only way to stop this pain is through EXCISION surgery. Every time those tubes were pushed in, I felt relief because they would start taking out the liquid immediately. Chest tubes are extremely painful. This is the story of women dealing with Thoracic Endometriosis. It is not RARE. It is UNDERDIAGNOSED and MISDIAGNOSED."

She gave statistics seeing as this is the endo month in the hope that something will be done in Kenya to help those suffering.

1 in 10 women are battling Endometriosis. A woman somewhere is experiencing lung collapses and cannot get access to quality healthcare, treatment and specialists in Kenya.

Endometriosis in the lungs is real, it's not a myth and this is a full-body disease.

We are glad Jahmb is back on her feet. She is now even hosting reggae nights in various clubs. Faya Mamah is back!

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