This Morning, on Kiss FM, Andrew Kibe gave the ladies including Kamene Goro some relationship advice that will revolutionise how they date.

According to the boychild's chief chairman, women have lowered their standards when it comes to dates and relationships.

They have made it too easy for men and this is a big problem especially if there are marriage plans in that relationship.

"I know why your relationships are not working. A relationship is a collection of experiences. So if your relationship is just home and bar, it will fail. Be creative on how to sustain a relationship. How long do you think bedroom games last in a marriage? 6 months and it is done. It is the first thing to die. So if you have other things in the marriage, it will survive." Kibe shared.

He added saying the best places to have dates are restaurants.

Now if your dates are only in the club, you will not have a conversation with this person because you can't hear anything in the club. Go to a nice restaurant and know if this guy has a brain in that head.

Kamene Goro was in agreement because she put herself in these shoes and all Kibe is saying is 100% true. She was for the idea of exploring all these avenues because you will have an idea of the person you are dating.

You might end up having a guy who removes his shoes because of the carpet. Where did the dates and relationship process go to? These days it is where are you? Home? I am coming.

I like going to the supermarket. You walk with him holding your hand and that is some romantic type of thing. Why don't we demand for more? Why did we drop the standards?

Kibe made it clear to his fellow men and to the women that such house dates are mediocre. He advised that you need to be creative with your dates.

A lady caller responded saying for the first time she agreed with Kibe.

For once I will side with Kibe. These days girls are so low. Now it is just I'll pay the uber to his house. We are stepping so low. Ladies need to refuse these mediocre dates.

Just when we thought ladies are the only ones who will agree to this, all men who called into the Kiss FM show said that women have lowered themselves too much and it is not a man's problem.

Ladies have just lowered their standards.

"We as men we are ready to take care of you. But women all you want is, come home so what do we do, we will just say accept and eat the eatables," a Male caller said.

All the men were for the idea that women need to step up because in reality, they do want to take them on dates but all women want is house dates.

Kamene asked ladies to call in if they have been taken on a date recently and sadly, none did. This is serious. Words of advice from The Morning Kiss duo, ladies need to step up.

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