tanasha car 2

The drama surrounding the white Land Cruiser that once belonged to Tanasha as a gift from Diamond continues.

A few weeks ago, Mbosso, WCB member took to social media to flaunt his new toy, which was coincidentally a white Land Cruiser. It sparked comments and assumptions that it could be the car Diamond snatched from Tanasha.

Mbosso was forced to clarify on the rumors, where he said in an interview that it is all God's power that allowed him to buy the car.

"Even when I was buying this car, Diamond himself mentioned that I  should be careful because this car may easily be mistaken for that of Tanasha. But I think we can go to Diamond's house and take a picture of all cars including Mama Dangote's. I just want to thank God who enabled me to buy this car." Mbosso clarified

He even made sure to show the logbook to prove it's in his name. Mobsso urged the interviewer to be a messenger to those claiming 'I am driving Tanasha's car'.

In an Instagram story video, Diamond clarified further that he still has the car he gifted Tanasha and that the one Mbosso owns is a completely different one.

Watch the videos below:

Tanasha in an interview with True Love said that she didn't need to come back home with the Land Cruiser because she has her BMW in Kenyan that she bought herself.

At least now we know Mbosso has his own car and Diamond still has the gift to Tanaha in his parking lot.

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