Time really does fly. Just the other day we broke the news that Khaligraph Jones will soon be a father and today, he is counting weeks to his daughter turning a year old.

His girlfriend Georgina Muteti shared a picture of their daughter and she was in disbelief that time moves so fast.

11 months today, tomorrow you’ll be 11 years🥺then 21years😭! In a month you’ll be 1! And I’ll be celebrating a whole year of keeping you alive and loving you🥰Can’t wait to see you grow my little Amalina 🧚🏼‍♀️❤️! Happy 11 months Baby💕!

Just the other day, Khaligraph was celebrating wins. His daughter Amali is now walking and his song has been trending on number one for more than a week. Watch the video below:

With little under a month away from their daughter turning one, this is a big step in her growth and before we know it, she could be rapping just like her father.

We all know Papa Jones is one extra guy and in line with that, the couple made a public announcement that they would be celebrating their daughter’s birthday every month. And true to their word, there is always a cake monthly.

Watching their daughter grow is amazing because we celebrate such wins. Raising a child is not easy and so we appreciate such parents.

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