- Lilly and Jua 5
- Lilly and JUa 4
- Lilly and Jua 3
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- Lilly and Jua 1

Lilly Asigo, JuaCali's wife has had to deal with a lot being one of the misy famous people's wife.

There is no time we remember JuaCali without his fame and so having such a husband with women all over him is not easy.

Their relationship started when they were seeing other people. She was just a fan but by the time they were sitting for their third date, they decided they want to be together.

We left the people we were with and decided to be together. We dated from 2009-2013. A period where women were texting him, sending him videos and naked pictures.

Lilly found a solution to this problem and unnecessary stress. She said,

I used to look at his phone to creep on women and even go as far as calling them. Even women we all know. It got to a point I was wasting time on who he is texting and calling instead of making myself happy. I decided I will not go looking for it but if it comes my way I will deal with it and that is why women are unhappy in marriages trying to live their husband's lives

If it is a female fan they meet outside, Lilly tells Tamima On The Round Table that she understands them but with a disclaimer,

The first time I met JuaCali I couldn't breathe I was just like 'oh my God'. Telling my friends to hold me. So coming from that space now I can understand his fans who are just innocent.I'd say 80%. Just don't take his number or follow us to the car.

JuaCali and Lilly have three children together and she says she is in a happy family because she keeps her man in check and they have set boundaries that work very well for them.

But one thing she said is, if JuaCali goes for a gig for more than a month then he will not have a family because she will pack and leave.

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