tanasha aisha

Tanasha Donna now known as Aisha is having a hard time with followers and trolls on social media who are calling her out for converting to Islam.

Throughout the whole journey, Jamal Gaddafi has stood by her, held her hand, teaching her the ways of being a Muslim and so far so good. At least we have seen her change her way of dressing and she has embraced the art of giving which is a co-value in the Islam religion.

Her transformation has not been received well by many, but that has not stopped her from going on. Jamal took to social media with a word of encouragement, telling her she cannot control everyone's througts and words. All she can do is live her life.

"You can not make all of them love you, accept you and believe in your goodness. Because you can not control their thoughts. But the good news is that it doesn't matter at all. You eat well, drink enough water without forgetting oranges and enjoy life." Jamal posted

Tanasha Donna has not spoken much about this whole situation which is rare for her but that is what Ramadhan is all about, peace and all about God.

No more Naseeb Junior! Tanasha erases online memories of Diamond and his son

She recently changed her son's Instagram page to her charity page after it had gained so many followers when people were there to look for tea when it comes to Tanasha, Diamond and their son.

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