Kamene and Kibe are always a dose of laughter and real talk. We all need such vibes in these coronavirus times.

Kibe gave us a break down as a guy on how to spot a slay queen in the club. Okay, how they used to BC (Before Corona).

"Spotting a slay queen in the past before the Rona was easy. When you go to the club and you see that chic who just bought one drink and you can see she is waiting for other men to come and buy you more. Basically going to the club without a budget.

Then the lady who has an attitude when you look at her from afar and even when you approach her.

The chic who comes into the club at 5 pm for the happy hour offer and drink it all night." Kibe listed

I am sure we have all seen such a woman in the club and you have judged them and talked about them with your friends or have you been the one?

Kibe told Kamene that if she has been in any of these situations, she has been termed a slay queen by men in the club.

"I personally have never found myself in that situation. First I started working early enough and when worse comes to worst if I have not mobey I  go to a low-end place. I hate being indebted to someone and the ones in the club are worse because you have to stand his nonsense. And the thing is most of them are the stupid ones and boring ones. Standing all that for a drink? Not me." Kamene made it clear.

This is just but a few of the things we miss talking about or seeing around before coronavirus came and put everything on a standstill.

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