Willy Paul
Image: Instagram

Willy Paul is that guy who carries his head high no matter what. He always finds himself the subject of unwanted attention whenever a scandal breaks, but that doesn't stop him from being Pozze.

Speaking to Jalang'o, he addressed the issue of him and the ladies who keep exposing him for sliding in the DM. Please note manz has been declaring he is married.

Willy Paul responded to the question, by calling the lasses who expose him a terrible name.


If I chat with you in your DM and you go expose it out there then you're stupid. Settle and let’s talk stop all those extra things because one thing is that my seed is a blessing!

Adding that,

It’s just that girls don’t know. A seed that comes from me to you, can be a blessing in their life. completely change your life. God's plan is amazing. Even if you get pregnant by me you will give birth to a very tough and intelligent baby just like me.


Jalang'o and Willy Paul
Image: Instagram

This also prompted Jalang'o to ask him about Nandy, the Tanzanian artiste who had been rumored to be his girlfriend. 

Willy Paul said they had a music/work relationship and that is just about it but people will always want to create a story.

He also bragged that he is a man who is desired by pretty ladies and that is why you will find him being associated with so many pretty girls.

Basically it's his weakness. That is Willy Pozze for you.

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