Kim and Kanye
Image: Instagram

Kanye West decided to go all out on Twitter and reveal a lot of deep secrets including his plans to divorce Kim Kardashian.

In his latest outburst, he said Kim was out of line to meet Meek Mill to talk about prison reform and blasted her mother Kris Jenner as 'Kris Jong-Un' while accusing the pair of white supremacy.

Adding that Kim and her mother tried to fly in with two doctors to have him hospitalized amid concerns about his health.

Kanye West Rant
Image: Twitter
Kanye West Rant
Image: Twitter

He then deleted the tweets barely half an hour after posting them, except the last one which he signed off as coming from 'the future president'.    

If you have been watching keenly, this has been a very dramatic week for Kanye. He has been revealing a lot and this makes his fans question if he really is okay.

Kanye West
Image: Instagram
Rumor has it he is set to drop an album tomorrow so maybe he is pulling a Diamond on us or he just needed to air out a few things.
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