Kamene and Jalas
Image: Kiss100

Today Kamene and Jalang'o may be working from home but they are really loud on this sponsor/ benefactor life Nairobi girls are living.

It is sad that many men are out here are pouring their whole hearts to their lovers yet they are being taken for granted and are being used for money.

Speaking on The Morning Kiss, Jalang'o revealed that the duo will be going to Mombasa over the weekend and they will have a story on the same come Monday.

Kamene and Jalas
Image: Instagram

"The airport will be looking like a father-daughter day out. We are going to Mombasa and we will see. A fine girl with a waist like a bee but an old man alongside or behind her. When they get to the hotel they will now have to take him out in the sun kumuanika kama nguo hapo nje. Imagine having to go on holiday and taking care of a guy who everything he is eating is prescribed by the doctor. But when he comes to writing the check, it is dollar after dollar." Jalang'o shared

Kamene did not refute these allegations as she has seen it even among her friends. But for her, it not the fault of the ladies.

"The problem is men, because you stopped romancing us so now the only way to show love is through money. The only way men show love these days is by throwing money at our faces and for some of us it doesn’t work because we have it."

Kamene and Jalas
Image: Instagram

Jalas interjected saying that there are good men out there who want to love and still spoil their girls.

There are 'good morning', 'goodnight' and flowers-giving, kind of men out here.

So all hope is not lost.

Kamene who is speaking as a big sister has a message for the ladies,
"do not lose yourself all in the name of money".

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