Chito and Jalas in studio
Image: Kiss100

Kamene Goro is under the weather and when she is away, Chito takes it away with Jalas.

On normal days the men will always agree because we know Kamene and Jalas are rarely if ever on the same page. This time it is different. 

Chito was for the idea that married couples need to take time before they procreate and bring forth children. Especially the men need to be financially stable to be able to take care of the children.

Chito and Jalas in studio
Image: Kiss100

Jalas and many other who called completely disagree with that idea.

"No. It is not about taking your children to expensive schools, it is about being able to relate with your children. Were you in school where parents used to visit and you wonder why your classmate's grandfathers are coming to visit them kumbe it is your father? I do not think money should be the determining factor for you to have children." Says Jalas

Chito interjected and said that is where men go wrong.

"That is where I feel we make the mistake as people. We just bring them forth. You uko sawa money wise. Many people are bringing forth children and can't take care of them. Do you know how many phone calls I get ati 'boss nisaidie mtoto wangu akona njaa'"

Image: Instagram

Heavy J Baba was not going to take it, especially when it comes to Chito and how he knows him.

"I am telling you at the situation you are in right now and the person I know you as you can take care of two children very well. And take them to those expensive schools."

Adding that,

"Get out of that seat and go make baby pregnant if not rudisha bibi kwao. Just get a child and plans will fall into place. Go and bring forth a child tonight. You will wait then get diseases like diabetes and then the doctor tells you the strength to procreate is no more. Get a child! You do not need millions. I know a child is expensive but do not waste time bro."

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