DJ Mo and Size 8
Image: Instagram

Guys really need to cut DJ Mo and Size 8 some slack. Let them be happy and enjoy their life.

Speaking to Kiss100 he said people should learn to appreciate more than hate on what people share on social media.

Last week he received massive hate from followers, who told him he and his family should dress decently while vacationing at the beach.

Size 8 on holiday in a bikini
Image: Instagram

DJ Mo had shared a photo of his wife Size 8 in a bikini, appreciating her. He posted the photo intentionally to shut his critics up.

"You can't live for people and what they are saying about you. When people put their pictures or videos on social media, that means they are very comfortable with who they are. So any person who thinks they can use that time to body shame or put their hate, it is very wrong."

DJ Mo, always has time for people who come after his family, replied to one, 'Kong’ani Malingu telling him to advise his wife instead of coming for him.

DJ Mo and Sized 8
Image: Instagram

DJ Mo also asked Kenyans to support Kenyan creatives in whatever industry they are in.

"With all the hate, we are killing our industry. If you notice, there is nothing different in our secular and gospel industries. If you keep on saying gospel is dead, even the secular industry what are they doing? Hakuna kitu wanafanya. So may our fans learn to support Kenyan creatives. That is my message. Whatever industry a person is, let us learn to support them."

Also, find you a man like DJ Mo, he will always have your back.

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