Kamene and Jalas Jerusalema challenge with the Naivas Mountain View crew
Image: Mercy Mumo

South Africa's Master KG's song, Jerusalema, made it to the most shazamed song in the world as of yesterday according to the song identification app.

I am sure you have seen the challenges trending all over social media. A few weeks ago, Chito and Jalas hopped on the trend when in studio and people loved it.

Kamene and Jalas Jerusalema challenge with the Naivas Mountain View crew
Image: Mercy Mumo

Today, as Kamene and Jalas extended their Kisses of Kindness to lucky listeners by taking them for shopping, they decided to dance with the Naivas Mountain View crew. And what better song to dance to other than Jerusalema.


As the first lucky winner was shopping, they had a whole flashmob join them and they killed it.

Kamene and Jalas had enough energy after having an amazing breakfast at Naivas Moutain View. Watch the video below:

Kamene and Jalas jump  Jerusalema challenge with the Naivas Mountain View  crew

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