Jadi from Kaka Empire
Image: Instagram

Rapper King Kaka has signed three new artistes under Kaka Empire and together they formed the trio, Jadi.

They will be singing Rnb music and from the snippet, King Kaka gave us on his social media posts, boy don't they sound like angels. 

Speaking to Kiss100 King Kaka said he did an online competition and the three, Ethan, Brandon and Vince, tied, so he decided to form the band 'Jadi'.


"I am just guiding them to do what they love already," he said.

The band has been consistently releasing singles since last year, with 'Sleki' being their fifth single. Produced by Bern Music and mastered by Jadi’s own Ethan it tells the story of young love, are directed by CJ Pixels.

It is a song about someone who is hypnotized with the love of a Nairobi girl and speaks of the confidence in the protagonist to give the best loving to their partner.

Speaking to Kiss100, the trio said they have a music background.

Vince started singing in church as his dad is a reverend. Brandon was raised in a musical family.

"I have been a fan of Sauti Sol's music and one day, I found myself jamming to one of their songs," Brandon said.


Ethan said his mother inspired him since she sings in the church choir.


"Our music is all about love and passion, and so we want to spread love through music," he said.

Best believe, this is a band you need to look out for, they are about to blow your mind.

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