Betty Kyallo
Image: Instagram

Before Ms. Betty Kyallo dropped her latest BK Lately episode, she has been off social media for a while.

Why you ask?

‘"There are a lot of expectations that social media gives you whether true or imagined. I thought I share too much and so I decided to take a social media break." Betty said

Well from the episode, she said fatigue got the best of her so she needed to take a chill,  according to the doctor's advice.

Betty Kyallo at Flair By Betty
Image: Instagram

"I was in the office with my employees talking about how the day had been, clients we had worked with and what we had achieved that week. After they left I started getting headaches. I knew that something was wrong plus I felt I could not go home that way. I called my doctor and went to my doctor and tests confirmed that my blood pressure was so high." Betty shared.

Adding that the last couple of months have been hectic for her.

"Fatigue had grown for so long, they did the blood pressure test three times and it kept going high. After that, the doctor asked me to relax. Our lives move so fast, I am always everywhere and it has been a hectic couple of months. My body had been giving me signs that it’s tired but I do not know anything about rest. I went home and called my friends and broke down on the phone. I decided to take some days off, and that’s what I have done for the last couple of days."

Betty Kyallo
Image: Instagram

She advised her followers telling them health comes first. 

"Self-love is important, take time and relax. take care of yourself first before you take care of the world."

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