Saumu Mbuvi
Image: Instagram

Saumu Mbuvi always some insight for the young girls. They say experience is the best teacher and she has had a lesson or two in life.

Taking to social media, she called on young girls to stop risking their lives, in the name of 'setting standards'. According to her, girls are taking too many risks to prove points to people who are not even bothered.

Her message was strongly to the ladies that they owe themselves a better future, and being a bad girl is not an achievement.

Saumu Mbuvi
Image: Instagram

Live a life your generations to come will be proud of.

“Dear girls of these generations. Stop putting your life, dignity and character on the line in the name of setting standards …just to prove a point to people like us who don’t even care … be wise girls … live a life you and your children’s children would be proud of you owe yourself a better future. Being a bad bitch is not an achievement at all… let it sink in.” Saumu Mbuvi urged the girls

Her major point is that we women should stop misunderstanding what it means to be independent.

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