While you are busy crying for a good morning or good night messages, Kamene Goro is overwhelmed by a 100-page love letter.

Yes, you read that right. There is a guy who took his time, energy and emotions to pen down what he feels for Kamene and why. 

"Extremely urgent to Michelle Kamene Goro, Radio Presenter Morning breakfast, Lion Place, Westlands." Read the envelope

Jalas went ahead to give us a sneak peek at what was in the letter as Kamene was still in shock.

"What? These are letters to you? One person has written all these? He has even numbered them.

Dear Michelle, I take this opportunity to you this massive out of the blue but led by the Holy Spirit. First foremost I want you to know I got to know of you last year when I saw your picture on the Nation Newspapers then I saw you being interviewed on The Trend with Amina. 

I started my walk of salvation in 1998 when you were only 6 years..."

If you thought that was extra, manz even attached his CV.

"Wait wait, he has attached his KCSE results, his CV, and Newspaper cut-ins and there is someone asking me uko? Now, this is an application? "

Watch the video of Kamene in shock after receiving the letter:

In so much shock, Jalas said,

"This man has attached a whole CV to date you? But he says it is the Holy Spirit? "

Emotionally overwhelmed, Kamene said,

"I do not know what to say. It came in an envelope and I was here thinking it is a court document."

Jalas then said,

"Forget all those newspaper cut-ins, this guy has written a letter with 100 pages to Kamene all this. A whole booklet. My friend if you do not love this guy by page five, I don't know."

The strides people will take in the name of love is unbelievable. But we always say, mwanamme ni kujaribu.

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