Kamene and Jalas will always have you in tears of laughter please. It is always about good vibes.

Trending at number two on Twitter today, the duo tackled a lot of issues when it comes to matters love.

Of course the elephant in the room, Eric Omondi's public announcement that he is looking for a wife. That had many men calling in saying cooking and cleaning does not make a wife.

But one thing that was also coming out was that so many women are fighting for one man. Sounds familiar?



Jalas pulled up a Bible verse that says one day women will be fighting for one man's last name.

"Why are we fighting over a man? The bible says that a time is coming when 8 women will look for one man not be married. They said they will cater for themselves and provide for themselves. All they need is his last name."

Interestingly as the Bible quotes, the ratio is what was seen in last year's Kenyan census.

"Last census proved it because the ratio of men to to women is 1:8 and in Nairobi it is worse. You might not find your own so find someone's and go go with him. Pata wa mutu nyakua! 

You know, when you start dating someone, the owners of he relationship show up. He looks single them boom, an owner shows up. If it happens hata wewe claim him, he is yours."

Laughing at all this, Kamene asked him a simple question,

"So now you want to tell me you men have became like lands, we subdivide you?"

Surviving Nairobi is tough.

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