The rate at which early pregnancies are popping up in the 254 is alarming. Kamene got a very disturbing DM from a fan and she had to share it with Jalang'o.

The guy needed advise and she wrote to Kamene saying,

"Hey Kamene, my girlfriend is pregnant again for the second time. Our first baby did not make it. I am 22 years old and she is 20 and we promised not to have another child until the right time comes, but we failed. 

She is afraid of her family so she does not want to keep it. She does not want to tell me but I know she wants to terminate. I am confused because we are not financially stable but I do not want her to terminate." Kamene said.

Jalas shook his head and gave his opinion.

"So many wrong things in that DM but we can not ignore it. Both of you are still children. The fact that you can make a baby does not mean you are grown ups. Number two after your first pregnancy and you promised not to get pregnant again, there was so many ways to prevent it. You promised no pregnancy but you did not promise not to have sex. You have now gone back to where you people started. Sex without protection you will not expect  a baby not a phone."

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