Billboard Woman of The Year, Cardi B has shared some very shocking information.

Before I let you in on the tea, think about all the collaborations she has done. One thing you will notice most if not all are with fellow female artistes okay except her man, Offset.

“The thing is, I’m shy and really shy to reach out to male artists, to be honest with you. That’s why a lot of collabs that I want, I haven’t gotten yet because I’m scared to reach out. I always get a little star-struck. I’ll be thinking I’m corny, even though I’m funny.” Cardi B admitted

Adding that,

“When it comes to me writing or putting ideas of my personal life in the music I get really shy. When I perform songs like ‘Be Careful’ or ‘Ring’ I usually close my eyes because I get really shy about showing that lovey-dovey side. Even to my engineer, I start giggling…like, ‘Oh my God, I can’t. This is so embarrassing’.”

Interesting eyy? Cardi is a very outspoken woman so you would not expect this to be part of the struggles she goes through.

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