Madam Boss is really living her best life. This is the year she got to learn more of herself. It is also the same year she decided to take care of her as much as she takes care of others.

Just a few weeks ago, her daughter Vesha graduated and she threw a big party. Basically, in as much us 2020 has been a crazy year, she has had a good one.

Before the year ends, Akothee has managed to gain 2.5 million followers. This is all despite the hate many have thrown at her.

She shares a lot on her life and as she says, her life, our entertainment.



"Thank you very much 💋may God bless you for the massive support. If anything on this platform doesn't inspire you ,please don't stress yourself, just pick what matters and leave the rest , remember this page is the example of a real human being, in flesh and blood 💪 living her real-life constantly on cameras 😭 💪. Now you can judge it's allowed, you can criticize it's allowed ,but can you imagine airing your life to public just for a day ? Some people commit suicide over gossip, imagine addressing 2.5 million people that you have never met . "

Adding that her life on social media is not easy but hey.

"Fame is not easy , it comes with a price, and constant content , resilience, persistence , determination and hard work , some people want to be famous, trust you me ,it looks sweet on your phone ,but in reality, things are different on ground . People take advantage of you, they want to humiliate you, they want to make you feel small once they have access to you . Sometimes, it's difficult to behave as an entrepreneur/celebrity. You don't know whether to behave as a friend or a diva 🤦, when you allow people to see your human part ,they get carried away and use it to finish you. I have learned a lot in 2020. May GOD BE WITH YOU 💪"

Congratulations madam boss.

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