Jalang'o has revealed his new year's resolutions and it is all about keeping fit.

Speaking to Kamene on The Morning Kiss on their first show in 2021. He made it clear that your resolutions should not be dependent on the pandemic.

"Resolutions should not depend on the government directives and the pandemic. Pick a resolution that you can control by yourself.

I am not being too over ambitious but I have just decided health is going to be a great part of what I will do this year. And I have a great support team, Tony Ayro has said he will hold my hand. He has already been working on it.

So my resolution does not depend on the government it depends on me. You can have your resolution and the government still says corona is there and the pandemic is there so, be wise.


I can still work out directives or nah. I will pursue my resolutions." Jalang'o said.

Kamene resolutions should be there to make your life better.

"For resolutions, it should be benchmarks for your life for better decisionmaking to better your life."

What are your new years resolution?

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