She is now officially Mrs. Ben Pol. Anerlisa has changed her name to Anerlisa Muigai Mnyang'anga and added to her bio that she is Ben Pol's wife.

The two got married in a very private wedding that we got to know about  much later after pictures leaked at the same time that the family was mourning the loss of her sister, Tecra Muigai. 

In a recent interview with Mwanaspoti, the couple revealed that they wedded in May 2020 in the leafy suburbs of Mbezi in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.

"We got married in the fifth month here in Tanzania, Mbezi Dar Es Salaam. Our close family and friends were aware and even after the church ceremony we were with them for the reception, We think marriage is something that is more for family." Ben Pol said

Anerlisa who was also present had a few clarifications to make. Now you know how hard it is to get Ben Pol's wife to do an interview.

"It was not true, in fact we do not pay attention to such rumors. We let them be. We have never broken up or even taken a break since we started dating. Those were just rumors from people who do not know us well or even have an idea on our relationship." Anerlisa clarified

She moved to live with Ben Pol in Tanzania because a woman will leave her house and start her own home after marriage.

Things are clearly going so well for them and we wish them nothing but the best.

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