Jacque Maribe is overwhelmed by all the calls and text messages she has been receiving after going public with information that she is taken.

The former Citizen TV news anchor put up a photo of a mug written Mrs K, with the caption 'Taken' and blocked the comment section. Then she deleted it.

Of course we all picked this up and updated those who were not aware. So it got a lot of traction, which meant inquires from so many people on how true the post was,  udaku tu.


“I have never received so many calls and texts any January of my life 🤣🤣🤣 because of a mug written Mrs. K. Hahaha aki I now believe udaku haipendi uvivu. Still taken, hehehe 🥰” said Jacque Maribe.

She may be taken but this time round, she has decided to keep it all on the downlow. The drama she went through with her ex Jowie was lesson enough that your personal life should just remain personal.

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