From what the Bible says, when one sheep finds their way to God, there is a party up in heaven.

So let us just say Lexxy Yung may have left Sailors but he has still maintained the party starter pack just in another environment, Heaven.

He decided to go gospel and in a video, he explained the reason why is because he just needs to give God thanks.

"People are questioning why I decided to go gospel. I just felt it is right to put God first in my life for all he has done for me. I mean he is there for me even when I sin he still wakes me up. Holy or not, he has you." Lexxy said

Adding a list of people he needed to apologize to.

"And for that, I want to take this opportunity to apologize to the lady who got us here as a group and also personally. Big up to Mwalimu Racheal. The beef was so intense. But people fight, even family fight. But I hope you can forgive me and my brothers for the mistakes we made. We are still young and learning from them day in day out.

I would also want to apologize to KRG. What you did bro was not good. The things you said were hurtful but it is okay. If we did hurt you with our words, I want to apologize.


I also want to apologize to my mum. As I started this journey of mine we have not talked since then which is after school. Please, young people, respect your mother. We burned the school. It was so bad that we were jailed but we learned from this."

Lexxy Yung finished with an encouraging message saying. 

"I am just here to apologize to everyone I wronged. I will leave you with a verse that says we can do anything through Christ who strengthens us."

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