Amanda Gorman stole our hearts and by our, I mean the whole world especially the black community with her an amazing piece during Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's inauguration.

The poem, The Hill We Climb, was full of so much hope for a new dawn. For many American citizens, their bright day was on the 20th of January.

Speaking to Ellen, Amanda said that the whole experience inspired her to want to be thePpresident of The United States of America.

The 23-year-old poet said she has been dreaming of becoming


"This was a dream that I think came into existence around 6th grade. And it's something that my family takes very seriously because when I say something, I mean business."

Interestingly enough, Amanda's twin sister Gabrielle is so serious about her ambitions that she was cautious about even being included in photos at college parties.

'She'd say, "Don't get a photo of me. My sister is running for president 25 years from now. I can't have an image coming up then."

So we really all hold ourselves accountable to the dream." Amanda told Ellen.

As Lupita said, 'Your dreams are valid' so Amanda, go for it.

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