Kamen Goro turns 29 today and boy hasn't she had a good birthday week.

Her girls threw her a surprise dinner and she also did an amazing photoshoot where she looked so gorgeous in the outfit by Fintan, photography by Muma Pix and make-up by Stephanie.

Today, she decided to turn up in studio with her fav - Jalang'o, and what better way to kick start her morning as a 29 year old than with Nviiri's, Birthday Song.

Kamene danced with Jalas who then sent her the cutestest birthday wish live on air and it got her in tears.

"It has been eight months since I started working with you. But in you a see a woman who works so hard and one who pushes herself to greater heights despite being brought up with a few privileged that has never been your SI unit. You still a lady who goes out at night to push her grind ad people would ask why? But it is because you have understood and known your purpose. You are a big sister who has to inspire so many people out there.

I  want to say I am happy and proud of you. I am happy to wake up every day and sit next to you as we do this show. God bless you as celebrate your 29th. I love I love you so so much. God bless you and Happy birthday baby."

Need we say more? Happy birthday radio queen, Kamene Goro.

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