holy dave

If you still think women are shy when it comes to shooting their shot, then  probably you live in a funny bubble.

Kenyan women are the most courageous and daring beings out there and nothing would stop them from going for what they want.

Kenyan gospel artist, Holy Dave was left surprised when one female fan openly asked him to have a baby with her because you know, she loves his genes.


Holy Dave innocently posted a selfie but this fan could only picture her future kid bearing the artist's genes and straight up shot her shot.

In fact she made it known that she won't be needing him to step up as a dadthereafter.

She wrote;

"I just need a baby ukitaka upotelee mitini. "

Holy Dave posted a screenshot of the lady's comment asking his fans what they thought of the lady's needs.

Alaaa Alaaa 🙆‍♂️ Kumbe hii mbegu. Mnaonaje?

On the comment section, he was cautioned by one of his followers to not fall for the bait and he even made it clear that he doesn't go around impregnating women.

Check out the screenshot below;

holy dave
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