corazon kwamboka

In 2021, celebrities have decided to step out of their comfort zones and work on their bodies.

The year has been quite uncertain ever since president Kenyatta announced a lockdown on 5 disease infested zones.

This meant a disruption to many things including some outdoor sporting activities which many celebrities used as a way of staying stay fit.

However, despite gyms re-opening, many have devised ways to stay fit including working out from home, bike riding, evening runs among others.

Gospel artist, DK Kwenye Beat shocked many with a photo of how his body has undergone a great transformation, after losing weight.

Willis Raburu continues to push himself with daily gym workout routines as well as his media counterpart, Betty Kyallo.

Below are some of the celebrities who have decided to hit the gym hard this year.

1. Willis Raburu

2. DK Kwenye Beat
3. Betty Kyallo
4. Nazizi
5. Corazon Kwamboka
6. Zia Bett
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