Makena Njeri had the grand opportunity of being a TedX speaker over the weekend and she disclosed that it had taken years for her to accept who she is.

She has always been linked to her bestie Michelle Ntalami, but the two have never accepted nor denied the rumors. All we see on social media is the love they have for each other.

During her TedX talk, she educated us on what Gender Binary is as opposed to what we are used to, heteromomativity. "I believe that gender identity is one won internal experience and perception of self. You know what, it is separate from one's sex." Makena said

I remember for the first time in my life after very many years, I looked at the mirror and said to myself 'I am gay, I am unique and this is my truth'. I felt a weight lifted off my chest. I was finally free and whole. This was a victory for me but what I did not know was this was a choice to be bold.” she said.

Makena had to turn down roles that did not identify with her gender and being a producer in TV and film, she was ridiculed for picking 'men oriented jobs'

A few months ago, pictures of her vandalized Mercedes went round after her alleged lover -a girl- decided to destroy what she felt would hurt Makena over cheating allegations.

“I remember that cold morning of July 2019 when I woke up and looked at my phone. I had over 1,000 messages and over 500 missed calls. My blood went cold. I knew something was wrong. What I did not know is I had become a trending topic overnight. ” she said.

Makena said for three months she was down and had depression but she reminded herself that she had to be bold. She lost friends and family only because now, this was all public.

"I needed to find my tribe and I did. My two amazing friends who have loved me for who I am and who I have become. I got my boldness back and started speaking boldly where companies would fire one because one is gay, cyberbullying and even. I started then started my own organization, Bold Network Africa. An organization that uses storytelling to inspire the quire community now and those to come. For them to also be bold and speak up." She opened up

All this reminds her of her friend who committed suicide after all the ridicule he went through just because he was different from what society have placed as 'rules'.

Watch the full video below:
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