chito ndlovu

The most commonly asked question in the dating sphere is; What is your type.

Chito wants to demystify the true meaning of type in relation to whether or not it adds value in your life.

"There are certain values that you want in a person that you want to spend the rest of your life with." Chito said.

If that thing is not a value to you it is not a type and it will end in premium tears.

Chito says looks are not values and people should be looking for things like; being kind, caring, good, patient and gentle. That way you will have an easy time figuring whether someone is your type.

Don’t compromise on that value because the moment you do so you will feel underappreciated, under valued and under appreciated.” He added.

In a nut shell, he says know your values and make that your type and never settle for less by compromising on that which your heart holds dear.

Check out the video below as we milk wisdom out of Chito's brains;

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