Professor Hamo may be out here making y 'all laugh but he's been through a lot.

He recently opened up saying he slept in a car for two months when things between him and his baby mama, Jemutai were not okay.

She attended a party yet the two had agreed she wouldn't.

''Someone had called her for a birthday party and I was against it because it was an indoor event.

As the man of the house, I felt she was disrespecting me.

We had agreed you would not go to the party and I was going to come home after work only to be called by someone and was told you were partying.

As the man of the house If we agreed on something we do it, we had agreed you would stay home and that is why I chose to also continue partying after learning you went to the party.

I came in the morning and you were upset after calling me and did not pick up your calls.'' Prof Hamo said

Hamo went ahead to admit that he went to the gym to take shower and not to get fit.

"I told you I would be the one to leave, I left for two months and was living in my car.

Covid came banks were asking for their loans to be paid, jobs slowed down and salaries were slashed.

I would go to the gym not because I wanted to be fit, but I would go there to take a shower.''

When Jemutai was pregnant with her son Jeremy, Hamo had cut off his support as he was a married man.

Jemutai was forced to go back to Churchill when her son was two months old. Because, well her child needed basic needs.

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