Chepchikoni at kiss studios

If there is someone who was looking for an inspiration on a Monday morning, then Chepchikoni delivered it on a hot platter.

The young entrepreneur and CEO at Chepchikoni eateries, left everyone's jaws on the floor with her wisdom, sheer drive and determination.

What started out as a cooking hobby back in 2017, has seen her grow, turned it to a service and at 27, she already has 3 joints and planning to add 37 more in 12 years time.


How did the journey start?

"My business started in 2017 and I used to cook for bachelors, come to your house cook your meals for a whole week, label it for you so you just pick and warm." Chepchikoni said.

I saved up and in 2019 I opened my first joint at Lumumba drive and there is one in industrial area and one near USIU and hoping to do 40 restaurants before I turn 40.


She says she has positioned herself well where she has a manager, head chef and everything running smoothly, where if an investor comes on board she would handle everything in the right manner.

Was her biashara affected since Covid-19 rocked the economy?

I thank God my business didn’t make losses during covid because of our delivery model. I didn't make what I used to make before but we were fine.

Chep who made her first million at 26 says Kenyan youth need to retire their egos, forget they have every qualification and start small focusing on tomorrow.

I started my biashara with Sh50 after someone asked me to go and cook for him. God will either show us the path or the mountain top. So it is upon you to know what to do.

Chep says she is a hopeless romantic who loves love and says her success has intimidated someone she was with before.

She believes that men shouldn't be intimidated by successful men and all they need to do is be self aware, be more supportive in all areas.

I have been in relationships where the guy didn't want to do stuff with me, he will provide but wouldn’t want to spend quality time or even offer emotional support. 

What a great time we had with Chep in studio, so much wisdom for such a young soul..

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