Kamene has revealed that she has been subjected to harassment at workplaces ever since she started working, a decade ago.

Kamene says there is no single work place where she has not experienced harassment, a worrying trend which she says many women have to endure.

"Personally I have been working for 10 years now and never ever, ever have I gone to a workplace and not been harassed." Kamene said.

Narrating how she was asked to give it up so she could get a job, Kamene said;

So there is a job I applied for and niliwekwa kwa bench on the waiting list despite being overqualified for the jobo. Niliwekwa kwa bench for about 7 to 8 months kwa sababu nilikataa.

She says it is not easy for Kenyan women and that there is not even a single woman who has not been harassed at their workplaces.

She added that women out here are being punished for not being compliant with the request or even being requested.

What is your story? How safe are these work places?

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