Other than Gloria Kyallo's boyfriend, Kenny Warui, I think we will side with Kamene this morning.

Speaking to Jalas on The Morning Kiss, she was saddened that no man in Kenya went the extra mile to celebrate their girlfriends on World Girlfriend Day. Yes, yesterday, the 1st of August is a holiday for the babes.

"Yesterday was a very very important day for most ladies across the world. A huge holiday that covers most chics across the world and here in Kenya you guys forgot. Not a single Kenyan man helped celebrate this very important day. After all that we do for you?"

A shocked Jalas asked,

"Another day for the ladies? Really? You're making me feel bad tell me."

Adding insult to the injury, Kamene asked how hard it is to celebrate your girlfriend?


"As you should. All of you should for forgetting World Girlfriend Day. The one day she gets to be celebrated and I know for a fact that not one Kenyan man celebrated his girlfriend. Please, Send flowers this morning to apologize. Before she was your wife she was your girlfriend. She is your girlfriend forever. How hard is it to celebrate her?"

Jalang'o who was done with this discussion as soon as it began said,

"I have heartburn. Okay is there a day you ladies do not come up with these useless holidays in the name of celebrating women? "

Did he just say useless?

"Useless? I wake up to make your bed, iron your collar make ugali in the morning for breakfast, boxer you can not even wash and you can't celebrate me once?" Kamene responded

To conclude all this, Jalas told Kamene and other ladies to list down the events celebrating women once and for all for them to have the calendar because they are a bit too many.

"Can you people go out there and send us a list that you women have put up you celebrate nonsense. "

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