Social media in laws upset Kamene and Jalas on The Morning Kiss after they went for MCA Tricky for having a fine babe.

Giving their take, the morning duo called out those people and basically told them to mind their own business.

"People like choosing for people their people. MCA Tricky introduced his babe and it came as a surprise to people but we who are closer to him knew his very hot babe.


Then watu judgmental came in saying it is all about the money saying if he did not have the money, she would not have been with him." Jalas said

Kamene calling out these haters told them to mind their own business.

"Guys, there is something called MYOB (Mind Your Own Business). It is the same way people say you should not be with someone who looks like this. Kwani who should be with who? Where were you when they were loving each other?"

An angry Jalas responded saying,

"These people who want to choose people for people. Mara they don't match, they do not deserve you. How? You? And those who say that have people who they do not deserve, actually they do not deserve themselves hata."

Kamene was clear that love just happens. It is a chemical reaction.

"The thing about love is that it is an involuntary body reaction. It is a chemical imbalance."

"It is something that happens and you can't even explain. Guys, get your person. The one who God has given you. Even if it is not your standard., that is the standard God has given you. These are to people who think they do not deserve this woman and yet you love each other." Jalas added

He finished by congratulating MCA Tricky and assuring him he deserves the babe he has no doubt.

"To MCA Tricky, you deserve that woman. You will get money if it is money people are saying is why you do not deserve having this woman. Utaongeza rangi (laughs) if that is the problem,  utaongea kizungu very soon. You deserve that woman and she is yours."

Like I always tell you guys, love wins.

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