Mo Momanyi became famous after getting married to Janet Mbugua's brother-in-law Paul Mwaura. 

Social media in-laws love such because when it comes to opinions, they have enough.

Momanyi is also known for always speaking the truth and being very open when it comes to life be it financially, emotionally and mentally. 

This time she took to social media with a message to those who seek instant gratification.

"Dear young Kings and Queens

Allow me to be honest! Don't expect instant gratification. Success is a journey, not a destination. Stop expecting overnight success. And just because some people have been "lucky" does not mean that you will be. We are all on the path..learning and growing every day!

No one will show you the struggle....everyday.....the behind the live the life you want. Work for it! The trend of comparison and looking for shortcuts is worrying. Look for mentorship in the right place. Then be grateful for your own journey; celebrate people's wins, support them when they are down, aspire to what you want to be...but live your own life!! Stop comparing your life to a picture!

Write down your plan and create steps on how you will get there!! And you will."

I am sure you have heard this so many times before. Kamene and Jalas are always emphasising on this.

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