If you need some deep quotes on how to maneuver life, I would suggest you listen keenly to a lot of Nyashinski's music or just follow him on social media.

He is a wise man with a few words.

Taking to social media, he posted a silhouette picture of himself  kneeling telling his fans it is okay to take a social media break.


"It is easy for social media to become an emotional roller coaster of perfection, comparison and opinions. Always learn when to step away and reconnect with God, yourself and all the awesome people around you!" Nyash shared

So true is he to his word because he rarely if ever posts a lot and when he does, it is mostly about work. He has kept his personal life private and that makes people question a lot and form their own opinions.

The opinions will be shared on social media and that can be a toxic space for Nyashinski, father of one. And that is why he is telling you to live in the real world sometimes.

With his last two posts, fans are speculating he is about to drop a track and that, we are definitely here for.

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