Kamene Goro

Ladies, when it comes to love and relationships, do you really know what you are looking for?

What exactly is it that you want from the man of your dreams because as for Kamene she has a well laid down list.

"If I was to make a list of what I am looking for in a man please know my list has changed considerably because nimechapwa character development." She said.

She added,

1. You have to love me more than I love you

2. I am always right

3. I want someone whom I can grow with

4. Tattoos are pretty dope

5. Kuwa mcute

She wrapped it up by saying she doesn't really rely on any list stating she is the 'trial and error' kind of a woman.

What is it that you look for in a man or in a relationsip, ama character development has changed you?

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