if you work on the power of your tongue, your thoughts and dreams if you work on them definitely they will come to pass.

That is what Jalas wants you to always remember as we usher in the weekend. Have a dream too big that it scares you.

"It is very OK to be living in Umoja but seeing yourself in Karen because you know where your focus is and what it will take you to go there." He said.

Jalas says it will take late nights and early mornings to push your hustles like crazy because you know what you want and that makes you unstoppable.

He says if you have a vision, make sure you write it down, stick it somewhere you can see it everyday and with hard work you’ll get there.

“Just like Miguna said; He who does not have a dream is a pig. Usiamke kila siku kama nguruwe bwanaa. Even my journey to Lang’ata (MP) just but a dream” Added Jalas.

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