Every man looking to settle has a wide list of attributes that he looks for in a woman. Call men petty and picky but it's only reasonable to want what you want and get it.

If you're reading this, chances are - you are wondering why your men keep walking out of your life - or you simply want to know the mistakes not to make when you get a man.

You're definitely reading the right article.Let's dive right into it while you get your coffee or that overpriced latte, whatever you need to relax.

Dominating behavior

Men usually want to be the alpha males in relationships and don't like it when things are decided for them. If you feel like everyone and everything around you should be under you, you're a control freak and that's so unattractive not to men only, but generally. It questions your morals and upbringing. You'll send your man packing out of your life.

Fussing over your looks in public

It's okay to put layers of makeup before you leave the house. But making your looks a big deal while you're out there with your man, is unattractive. Complaining about your lipstick, powdering your nose in public is uncivil. Men find this behavior unattractive and can easily call it quits- and they're justified.

Acting childish

You want to babied, we get that. But do not over do it! You want to be petted, given attention like a little puppy- but puppies are cuter. This is a turn off for men. You're a grown woman, they expect you to behave like one.


If you're reading this, I'm sure you want to keep your man for at least the next month- if possible. Stop being overprotective, stop going through your man's phone. Least of all, stop being clingy, it's both unattractive and inconsiderate.Your man has a life outside your relationship. He has friends that he needs to hang out with.

Keeping a relationship isn't easy at all. No one ever said it will be easy.No one has a manual script for this. That was my opinion, which means I welcome your views on this as well.

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