unsplash Getting Ghosted / ghosting

According to the urban dictionary, ghosting is the act of suddenly ceasing all communication with someone you are seeing or whom you viewed as a potential lover.

Ghosting is a form of character development and an art which Kenyans have really perfected but as time goes, they are slowly developing thick skins and coming up with more lethal weapons of heart destruction.

But why would a woman who was once interested in you choose to cut all communication and ghost you?

We sought to find out from our online community and bad breath and stinginess featured highly.

Check out some of the reasons we received below;  

Sharleen: Insecurities za ufala

Cutiee Sly: Bad breath

Shaz Bunnie: Pride and ego na lack of attention

Willow Kheed: Audacity

Dawnky: If he follows amerix nonsense

Val Gesare: Nagging habits, communicate yes,but don't be in my neck

Trish Mutanu: Am allergic to stinky as well as stingy men

Winfred King'ori: When he's controlling

JayChoge: Cheating..

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