- image: Istockphotos

We are approaching times where monogamy marriages are slowly getting extinct and people are embracing polygamous marriages.

Addressing Kenyan ‘babes’, Kamene noted that we are currently embracing  situationships where it would be “…him, you and I…”.

Citing how one of her friends is in a similar situation, she said that the friend has been dating a guy for 9 years, whereas the guy has been married to another woman for 11 years and it appears that both women  are ok with the guy’s decisions and respect them.


From a poll conducted months ago, it was difficult to come up with an accurate decision from the discussion since ladies argued that if the same was happening to them (have another man besides the main boyfriend), it’s considered as cheating yet it's ok for men, concluding that such a relationship scheme is difficult to work out unless the couple is highly disciplined.

If the ball was on your court, would you consider going for open relationships?

Check out the video below;

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