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“To the men listening out here, if she cheats then it should be a wrap…” Argued Obinna after Kamene insisted on forgiving your female partner if she ever cheats given that women are known to be forgiving.

According to Kamene, men should find it easy to just forgive and forget as they would expect the same if tables were turned but Obinna stood his ground stating that females don’t deserve a second chance since they will just repeat their mistakes over and over.

“The man will be constantly thinking why did she cheat on me.” Said Obinna before Kamene countered the statement revealing that women are constantly haunted by the fact that their men cheat and expect to be easily forgiven.


The feud in such a situation is that ladies, even when forgiven, are easily lured to events that will force them into making bad decisions but apparently when it comes to men, they can easily control themselves in such a scenario.

 Check out the video below on the above discussion:

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