Kenyan boy Band Sauti Sol announce next song after 2 years.

Kenya’s hottest and internationally celebrated boy band Sauti Sol just gave us an early Christmas gift and boy are people excited!

Taking to their official page, the group announced to their over 2.2 million followers that they’d be dropping their first single as a group in over two years.

I genuinely loved their solo projects and their baby Sol Generation but there’s just something about how when they come together, their mash-up as a group is eccentric, actually phenomenal.

Sharing the cover art of their soon-to-drop single dubbed Lil Mama they wrote, “excited to announce our first official single, as a group, in two years! LIL MAMA is out this Friday on all platforms.

Can you tell who's who on the cover?”

From the title of the song, you can already tell it’s going to be a banger! Whether it’ll have the soft romantic tones of their hit song Isabella or an upbeat dance rhythm like Suzanna I know little mama will be worth the wait.

The cover also adds to the excitement.

The band is dressed almost like power rangers, black, red, green, and navy blue with helmets but their costumes are shinier. As the helmets are bedazzled.

Fans were overly excited with the news as they flocked to the comment section to share their views.

I mean the last time the band released something together is when they blessed us with their album “Midnight Train” and we can all admit all the songs in that album were perfect bangers.

Even the soft RnB tones ones.

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