Guardian Angel and his Wife Esther Musila.
Image: Instagram

Businesswoman Esther Musila has showered her husband Guardian Angel with a beautiful Valentine's day message.

Musila through her Instagram page shared a Bible verse asking God to grant her true love from above.

She wrote;

"Even as the world gets into the Valentine Frenzy, may we experience the true Love from our Heavenly Father as in 1st Corinthians 13: Love is patient, kind, does not envy, not boastful, not proud, not rude, not self-seeking, not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs, does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. Always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres.

"May our Almighty God give us this love and may we find it in our hearts to spread it to our family, friends, and humanity. Blessings🙏Happy Valentines from The Omwaka's 💞💞,".

A few days ago, Musila shared a cute photo with Guardian promising a forever-after future.

"I'd marry you all over again," she said.

The popular gospel couple celebrated their first wedding anniversary in January this year.

They said they only wanted people close to them who had been by their side since they started dating. Musila and Guardian Angel wed on his 34th birthday.

At the time, Musila penned a cute message to the love of her life explaining that her heart is filled with gratitude for the love and friendship that comes from her husband.

"Thank you for the late-night laughs and the early-morning kisses you shower me with. Thank you for showing me humility and being a blessing to my life," she wrote.

Musila added that every moment of her life with Guardian has been memorable. 

"Thank you for holding my hand through this life and proving that good men still exist, and thank you for the pleasure of being the woman in your life. I truly wish that you are blessed with happiness, health, joy and prosperity in life."

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