President William Ruto

President William Ruto has promised that the 6kg cylinder of cooking gas will cost Sh500 or Sh300 from June 2023.

We will set aside government money to reduce the cost of cooking gas. For the 6kg cylinder that you are buying at 2500 or 2800, we will bring it down to Sh500 or 300,". 

At the same time, the President said that they will do away with taxes imposed on cooking gas in order to actualize the plan.

“From June this year, the gas cylinder will drop from Sh2500 to Sh500 or Sh300,” he affirmed. 

The Head of State was speaking during his address at the International Women's Day celebrations at KICC.

During the launch of Tiafa Gas in Dogo Kundu, Ruto pledged to remove the tax on cooking gas with an aim to eliminate the use of wood fuel. 

He directed Energy CS Davis Chirchir to start working to ensure that the plan is actualised.  

"Bei ya gas itapungua kwa sababu tutaondoa ile kodi yote imewekwa kwa mambo ya gas (The cost of gas will decrease because we will do away with the tax levied on the same)," he said.

The President said the deduction on the cost of gas will result in health safety for Kenyans and restoration of the environment by reducing the number of trees fallen for firewood and charcoal.

"So Waziri you have the marching orders and you know what you must do so that in three years every household in Kenya has a subsidised cooking gas," he said.

He added that in terms of the cost of the cylinder, they will look into it to see whether the cylinders can be given for free or charged at a minimum fee. 

Ruto also directed the ministry to launch a crackdown on the illegal filing of gas in the country saying it is dangerous.

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