Police officers outside Jamia Mosque on March 27, 2023

There is a heavy presence of anti-riot police on most routes to and out of the Central Business District in Nairobi.

Roads near State House have been barricaded with roadblocks with police checking approaching motorists.

The officers were deployed on Wednesday night.

This comes as the city and major towns brace for another round of confrontation between demonstrators and police.

Police have been urged to exercise restraint while handling the protests.

So far four people have been killed, five injured and property destroyed in the past two protests in the country.

There has been a flurry of activities to forestall the demonstrations and allow dialogue between the concerned parties.

A group of religious leaders and US officials have been meeting the parties as part of efforts to address the concerns.

Most schools in the city announced there would be no learning on March 30 due to the planned protests.

Kenya Railways announced there will be no commuter services because of the protests.

Most public service vehicles have withdrawn from roads out of fear as most businesses closed too.

On Wednesday, Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki cautioned Kenyans against participating in violent demos, saying the police would prevent them at “all costs.”

It was the first time he issued a statement since hired goons raided private businesses.

Kindiki said the occurrences could possibly turn the country into anarchy.

“No more violent protests shall be allowed anywhere in Kenya. With or without notices, demonstrations and protests of any type which injure people, security officers, businesses and property shall be prevented at all costs,” stated Kindiki.“

The unfolding situation portends grave danger to the rule of law and the stability of our country.

The violence, looting, destruction of public amenities, disruption of daily activities and invasion of private property portend real and imminent danger of our country sliding into irretrievable anarchy. These criminal acts must cease.”

Kindiki who has been mum over the past few days, called out violence against police officers, asserting that protestors were the ones provoking the security officers to use force.

“Pursuant to Section 5(2), (6) and (10) of the Public Order Act (Cap. 56, Laws of Kenya), the police were compelled by their constitutional and legal mandate to prevent the holding of the protests whereupon orders of dispersal of the protestors were issued for the safety of both the protestors and the affected non-protesters and third parties,” Kindiki said.

He also called out looters on former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s farm in Ruiru and the Raila Odinga-owned East African Spectre Limited saying they would be brought to book.

According to Kindiki, police officers were hesitant to attend to the Kenyatta farm incident since they were busy handling protests.

“While the quick action of the police and private security guards repulsed the Industrial Area criminals, action to protect the Ruiru property was not as quick owing to operational constraints caused by the protests that were taking place,” he stated.

There are claims the raids were planned and executed by state agents and political leaders.

Police at the Kenyatta farm were recalled to the public offices where they stayed for the better part of the day giving the invaders room to strike unhindered.

The CS said he will issue relevant directives to the police in regard to dealing with demonstrations.

“In exercise of the powers conferred by Article 245 (4) and (5) of the Constitution, I shall be issuing policy directives to the Inspector General of the National Police Service, which directives shall take effect on 31st March 2023,” he noted.

Some of his plans are seen as unconstitutional and will be challenged in court.

The specifics include; Measures that the police shall take to ensure public safety during demonstrations of any type,  enhancement of security for all Kenyans and foreign nationals lawfully in Kenya to ensure that no person is exposed to insecurity and investigations and accountability of all persons found to have committed criminal acts against any person or the property of any person during the demonstrations and the counter activities among others.

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