Gospel singer Niach the Queen and Dr Ofwenek

Gospel singer Niach the Queen has reacted after her ex-lover Dr. Ofweneke said that given a chance he can’t MC her wedding with current fiancé DJ Slahver.

In a recent interview, Ofweneke made it clear that he can’t take such a gig because he respects his marriage. He also mentioned that out of the respect he has for his wife he can’t even attend his ex-wife’s wedding. 

 “I will not MC Nicah’s wedding because I am very much married which is something in the public and it will be disrespectful to my wife and I don’t think in any way that can be understood," Ofweneke stated.

However, in a quick rejoinder, Nicah questioned why her Ex-lover Dr Ofweneke would not take up such an offer if he loves his job. 

“Someone ask Dr Ofweneke kwani hapendi kazi yake???…Wee leta Rate Card Wacha siasa UKuje utuchezeshe mimi na Slahver urudi kwa bibi yako Jioni!! #Jesusgurl,” Nicah the Queen said. 

During the conversation, Dr Ofweneke also ruled out the possibility of rekindling his love with Nicah saying that the chapter was closed a long time ago. 

Despite their breakup, Nicah and Ofweneke do co-parent. 

Gospel singer Niach the Queen

“Co-parenting ain’t hard if you let go of your ego, pride, and bitterness. Put your child/children first and remember to them all they see is their dad and Mum and not whatever you are picturing in your mind.

To them their dad is their hero and so is their mom! Be bold enough to put your baby first. Dr. Ofweneke we have done well! Congratulations Debbie on your graduation we are super proud of you,” Nicah shared.

In November 2019, Dr Ofweneke made it clear that his broken marriage got nothing to do with his kids and that’s why he has embraced co-parenting with baby mama Nicah the Queen.

The former KTN presenter mentioned that whenever couples break up and children are involved, they should always create a clean environment for the well-being of their young ones despite their differences.

He cautioned women who deny kids to access to their father once the relationship comes to an end.

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