Crime Scene

Mystery surrounds the shooting dead of a businessman in Nairobi’s South C area by a gunman who accessed his bedroom.

Questions are being raised about how Imran Ismail Singh, 41 and an accountant at a Nairobi-based firm, was shot twice in the head while sleeping in his home in Midlands Estate at around 2am Saturday.

The motive behind the incident is yet to be known so far.

He was found in a pool of blood in his bed by the family, police said.

He was bleeding from the mouth and nose then.

Police recovered one bullet head and a spent cartridge from the room.

Ismail was apparently alone in the room at the time of the shooting, police and the family said.

Ismail’s mother and his two siblings who were sleeping in the same house told police they heard gunshots and on rushing to the room, they found the assassin had already escaped.

It is believed one gunman executed the job, Nairobi police boss Adamson Bungei said adding detectives are investigating the incident.

Imenti North Member of Parliament Rahim Dawood, a first cousin to the deceased and the family spokesperson, said the family suspected that the assassin gained access through the balcony of Imran’s room.

He said the balcony door was open and Ismail has not been closing it.

Homicide detectives from the DCI were on Saturday afternoon collecting crucial items that will help in the probe into the murder.

The detectives have asked the neighbours of the home to share CCTV footage captured at that time in an effort to get the attacker and motive.

The team took mobile phones belonging to some of those who were in the house at the time of the incident. 

Meanwhile, the detectives said one of the theories they are pursuing is claims there has been a family feud over the property.

This, according to police, could have led to the elimination of Ismail.

The body of the deceased was moved to Montezuma Monalisa mortuary in Nairobi for autopsy examination.

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